Free 6 Day Routine Guide For Mothers Who Work

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learn to manage the daily tasks that build up through the week

    For Mothers Who Need Encouragement


    I wanted to write a more personal post and introduce you to the season of life that I am currently in and what lessons that I am learning.

    From The Beginning

    I always knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mother. I met me husband when I was 16 and we got married after college when I was 20 years old. 3 months later and we were expecting our first child. My daughters birth changed my life. and just 8 months after her birth, we got pregnant with our son. Needless to say, at 25 years old, I am very blessed to have a family of 4 and life is very full.

    My Career

    I went to school and got a degree in Science of Psychology and then worked as an administrative professional for a few years before becoming a stay at home mother. Around July of this year we decided that in order to get into a home, I needed to reenter the workforce. This was frightening after being at home with my children for over 2 years.

    I got a full time job in administration/sales and have been working this job since. This was a massive adjustment for our family…


    We are extremely blessed to have family all around us, so our children are able to be with them during the day when I work. Overall, this season of life has been full of changes. End of September we finally purchased our first home and are still settling in and getting projects around the house done in the time that we can find. Overall, this season of life has been full of transitions and changes.

    In this season I have had to adapt to being gone from my children and my home for over 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. While I am so appreciative of my job to provide extra income, I have found myself struggling to adjust to the new demands of homemaking while also working full-time.


    So, now here we are, in this season of busy day to day life. I am having to adapt and learn new ways of managing my time, and how to be intentional with my family and children as well. I realize that I have such a desire to be intentional with my family and to take part in my children’s daily lives. This desire seems to pull at my heart while I sit at my desk for 8 hours away from my kids. Eventually I will be home with my children full-time, but in this season where I do have to work, what can I do to be more intentional with my kids in the time that I have while also managing and maintaining my home?


    I think that this is the beginning of a bigger idea for me but I wanted to get this general info out there now and continue to develop it as I go through this season. I want to share my general knowledge and solution for these feelings. So, if you’re in a similar season of life, follow along for the journey and I hope that this can encourage you.

    Creating a Routine:

    For my family, routine is key. This may seem super simple but it can be hard to obtain! Fear not, I will lay out my current routine that works very well for our family.

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    learn to manage the daily tasks that build up through the week

      My daily routine is fairly simple:

      1. Get Ready for Work

      2. Go to work

      3. Pick-Up kids

      4. Make dinner

      5. Post-dinner clean-up

      6. Intentional Play time w/kids

      7. Bath/Bedtime routine with Kids

      8. Choose 1 of my weekly chores to complete

      By keeping my evenings simple, I find that I have energy to complete 1 weekly chore each night. Sign up above for a more in depth run through of what a “weekly chore” is and how it works in this routine.

      Maintaining The Routine:

      This might seem silly to say, but consistency is the key. It’s not a routine if you aren’t continually using this structure! Seasons of life require different levels of effort and I can understand from experience that your level of energy can vary, so have grace for yourself, but try your best to maintain the main structure of your routine.


      It is easy to feel overwhelmed when tasked with caring for your family, maintaining your home, and also working a full-time job. By working to establish routines and schedules into your daily life, you can provide yourself with clarity and ease of mind, knowing that chores won’t be forgotten. Your life doesn’t have to feel like its constantly piling things onto your plate while you struggle to balance it and not drop anything.

      Find hope in your actions, take responsibility for your life, and find freedom from feelings of helplessness.

      Here’s to Hopeful Motherhood,



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