Tips and Tricks for Storing Breastmilk
Here are my tips and tricks for storing and serving pumped breastmilk
After Pumping full time with my First born for 10 months, I have learned a lot through trial and error. Pumping is not for the faint of heart, but it can be for you! Just take a look at some simple tips and tricks that I have found helpful.
Establishing a Schedule
I found that by having a 10-15 minute pumping session every time my daughter needed to feed, I created a natural milk production cycle for my body. After pumping about every 2.5 hours, my body got to the point where I would have a letdown at about 2.5 hours if I didn’t pump! You want to create this positive cycle for your body to encourage milk production! Set an alarm!
By setting an alarm to pump, you won’t miss any pumping sessions. I found that If I missed a pumping session, I wouldn’t notice a major difference in my milk production right away, but I WOULD notice a decrease the next day in my milk production.
Learn To Store Your Milk Correctly
Depending on where you live, there are different recommendations of breast milk storage and usage. Please refer to your National Resources and regulations for breastmilk storage and usage guidelines. If you’re in the US, Please refer to this page from the CDC.
This is what I did with my daughter. I am not claiming that this works for everyone but I wanted to at least give you guys an idea of what worked for me.
Every pumping session, I would pump, and them put the milk into a large 9oz bottle. I would either feed my daughter her 4oz bottle from that milk right away or I would refrigerate the expressed milk. If I was prepping a bottle that was made with already chilled milk, I would gently shake the milk to incorporate the fat well, then pour the bottle and heat the bottle with a bottle warmer.
Your Breastmilk is good in the fridge for 4 days!
This was perfect for me. Each night, I would gather any extra milk if I had any and freeze it.
Your breastmilk can be frozen for 6 months to 12 months!
Depending on your freezer, you can freeze your breastmilk in a proper storage bag for up to 12 months. Chest freezers generally are best for longer storage.
Your Breastmilk is good on the counter for 4 hours (77 degrees or less)
Some days I would pump, leave the milk in the pump for a little bit, then pour directly into a bottle and feed my daughter that way.
Extra Resources
If you are looking for a breast pump that works amazing and gives you the freedom to pump anywhere, click here to read about my personal experience as a full-time pumper!